
Agni, a budding particle physicist, loves explaining phenomena that unravel the mysteries of the universe. 
His derivations and diaries revolve around principles and postulates in the domains of physics, mathematics and computing. 

Here, find this very phenomenon explained!

His Favourite Equations

\(dS \geq 0\)

From the second law of thermodynamics, this simple equation best represents me. Any place I organise ends up getting messy after some time.

\(R_{\mu \nu} - {1 \over 2}g_{\mu \nu}\,R + g_{\mu \nu} \Lambda = {8 \pi G \over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}\)

This many-in-one is a set of greatest equations known as Einstien's Field Equations that decribes the space-time.

\({\partial^2 \xi \over \partial t^2} = v^2 \nabla ^2 \xi\)

Somehow, this equation appears almost everywhere I seem to think - sound, light, water, gravity, slinky, etc. This is the wave equation.

  \mathcal{L} &= - \frac{1}{4} F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu} \\
    &+ i \bar{\psi} \gamma^\mu D_\mu\psi + h.c. \\
    &+ \bar{\psi}_i y_{ij} \psi_j \phi + h.c. \\
    &+ |D_\mu \phi|^2 - V(\phi)

The simplified Standard Model Lagrangian describes most of the interactions as processes in our Universe.

The Phenomenon

Agni - the phenomenon, defined by scope, characteristics and chronology of events.


The characteristics and scope of what I like and do.


Physics is the science that explains everything that is there to know, even beyond the universe. Many mysteries to explore! I am particularly into High Energy Physics.


It's the universal language that can help explore the mystries of the universe. The  numbers and the operations has no geographical and cultural boundaries.

Intelligent Machines

Solving mysteries of the universe requires intelligent help. Using their help gives a broader view and removes confirmation bias. 


Key events in the evolution of Agni as a phenomenon!

2023: Research Intern (NA62) at TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada through Mitacs 2023

2022: Research Intern (CMS Group) at DESY, Hamburg, Germany through DAAD WISE 2022

2021: Intern at TIFR, India - Worked on GEANT4 simulations

2020: Selected for the NIUS Camp
by HBSCE, TIFR, India

2019: Admitted in IIT KGP, Physics, West Bengal, India

2005: Starts formal education in Kerala, India

2002: Born in Gujarat, India

The Big Bang

The Explanation

Agni's activities and outcomes explained.


Documents and records chronicling Agni's achievement.


Here is my résumé that details my education and work. Download if you think I could contribute in anyway to your mission.


My ideas, philosophy and learnings are all penned down in this web log. Appreciate or criticise, but do react on them!


Agni's activities and impacts.

BDTs and Particle Identification

Using Machine Learning, I worked with Prof. Elisabetta Gallo and Dr. Andrea Cardini, CMS group at DESY to identify low transverse momentum taus (pT). Check out the poster for my contribution below.